Hegary Spatial Thinking Lab (Psychology Department)
- Work done under the supervision of Mary Hegarty, a psychology professor at UCSB. Link to the lab’s website can be found here
- Assisted with data analysis of experimental data for two honors students’ thesis projects
- Worked with raw experimental data in R and python to perform exploratory data analysis including visualizations, regression analyses, and statistical tests
Code and Report
Flood Intervals Research (Geography Department)
- Work done under supervision of Mike Johnson, data scientist, NOAA Affiliate (Water Resource Engineer II), and a PhD candidate in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His website and work can be found here
- Utilizing RStudio to characterize hydrologic regions of the United States by comparing data from the NOAA National Water Model to USGS streamflow gages
- Developed and finalized a dataframe containing 169,776 observations specific to each USGS site, model, and recurrence interval
- Created several interactive plots and web applications using Tableau and RShiny to display data
Code and Report